NatureLine Pig Finishing Farm Kraus
With a NatureLine animal welfare fattening house and a marketing partner at hand, I found a future perspective for pig fattening.
Hans-Peter Kraus, a young pig farmer from the Kremstal, set the course for his future with the new building for 800 animal welfare fattening places in 2018. The parents' arable farming and pig fattening operation with 550 fattening places, which is relatively well equipped with 130 hectares of surface area, was to be expanded by a 1000 fattening house in 2014. The poor market conditions postponed the project until 2017/18 with the Fairhof program from Hütthaler and the stall concept NatureLine from Schauer, a sustainable vision for further developing pig fattening matured.
Hütthaler’s farm culture operates the NatureLine animal welfare stables in accordance with the framework conditions of the Fairhof program.
The Spotmix multi-phase feeding and the Spotmix Welfare are the technical heart of the animal welfare stalls.
The cooled lying area is a must for the animal welfare stable!
The NatureLine animal welfare fattening stable works with great satisfaction from Hans-Peter Kraus.