Natu­re­Line by Schauer

Low-emis­sion High Welfare Finis­hing House

Exceptionally animal friendly, innovative and efficient

This new patent-pending concept for the finishing house is a successful symbiosis of society’s demands for more animal welfare and lower emis­sions in pig farming, and pig farmers’ demands for profi­table and labour-saving housing systems. The foundations of the concept’s “buil­ding bricks” are based on decades of practical experience.

The Natu­re­Line by Schauer low-emis­sion fattening and finis­hing house for animal welfare is deve­l­oped from the Swiss 3-zones stable concept. The ther­mally insu­lated lying-down area is desi­gned to be easily accessible and is equipped with adjus­table pen elements. Via exit doors the pigs have access to a fully covered outdoor area, used for feeding and mucking out. In conventional pig farms, a particularly cost-effective and efficient farming system can be achieved with a space requirement of only 1.1 m² per fattening pig. Higher space requirements of brand programmes can also be fulfilled.

Liquid feeding, spot mix or dry feeding can all be used as feeding systems. The floor of the exercise area is partially solid. In order to reduce the ammonia content in the barn by up to 56 %, faeces and urine are separated via a slurry channel and discharged immediately. Similar solutions in France have shown performance improvements in pigs due to better animal health when compared to conventional full-slat barns. Many invest­ment subsidy programs support the concept and enable funding rates of up to 40% of the invest­ment sum.

NEW: Welfare Pigsty without slurry and manure The “liquid manure-free” pig pen - an inno­va­tive integrated system desi­gned to avoid manure and ammonia emis­sions when produ­cing finisher pigs Video - building pigsties to last many generations. Live video of the low-emission fattening house belonging to Josef Gelb: Maximum animal friendliness, dedusted straw produced by Strohmatic, precision feeding with Spotmix multiphase feeding and pleasantly low-emission air. Farmers all over Europe are telling us more and more often: "I would like to build my barn similar to the one in the ‘Pig Hotel’ Gelb”.

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